Blake's Story

Blake: you’ve inspired me


After Blake’s death a large piece of paper was taped on the wall in the hallway at Trinity School where Blake hung out every day. Friends began to write specific ways that Blake had inspired them. It is a profound and moving list, providing great insight into what we all so loved and cherished in Blake.

Please add a comment to this list how Blake personally inspired you!  “Blake, you have inspired me to … “

28 Responses

  1. Robert Hubbard says:

    These were the rest of the comments written on the poster in the hallway at Trinity School:

    live life to the fullest
    be a better Christian, stronger in my faith
    laugh and smile more often
    make the most of every minute with the people I love
    write often. love everyone
    curse less often
    live in the moment and not worry about the future
    live out my Christian faith like you
    not take people for granted
    enjoy being a kid
    be yourself
    always be happy
    smile and make silly faces
    not be so girly and never hold a grudge
    not care or worry about dumb little things
    not always try to be perfect, to be humble
    be kind to everyone
    stop the gossip
    smile and have fun
    always be the best friend that you could ever have, to every one
    not let others define you
    get better an mental math
    take my time (especially eating)
    cherish and live life to the fullest
    cherish all of the people in my life and never take them for granted
    be nice to everyone
    disfrutar todo, reirme y comer lento
    always be myself
    get better at math and be myself
    enjoy life; live a little; eat slower
    never be ashamed
    to be friends with everyone
    look for the good in others
    treasure every friend
    work harder
    think about others first and be awesome
    re-dedicate my life to Christ
    eat slower
    take my time, eat slowly, love everyone
    never be too busy to offer someone a smile
    live my life to the fullest

  2. Chris Wu says:

    To look at the paperclip, pencil, or ball in my hand, and observe my surroundings, making note of different surfaces from which I can bounce my object into a cup.

  3. Chandler Younts says:

    To live life to the fullest; put others before myself; don’t ask for much; do everything in honor of God.
    I <3 you Blake

  4. Lee M says:

    to make even the most boring situations interesting and fun. And not to go with the flow of what everyone else is doing

  5. Cordelia Walker says:

    Enjoy life and take my time enjoying what God has given me with the people I care about! God has an amazing plan for everyone!

  6. Tamara Jefferis says:

    To love on and be involved in the rest of my cousins lives. To be aware that our time is short and to not take our relationships for granted.

  7. Joel says:

    Blake Hubbard’s life story has changed my life. I also remember his poignant smile. I was blessed beyond measure to get to know him and it was such a great opportunity . We are missing him so much but I have beyond the shadow of doubt that he’s in a better place.


  8. Rita Davis says:

    To see wonder in the smallest things; to take delight in the common things; to experiment and explore and play- to not be rushed.

    I loved seeing you cuddle with your mom, hang on your dad’s arm, sparkle when your sister was near and admire your big brother.
    Blake, I’ll always remember the crazy domino effects you liked to create and the amazing mazes you made in 4th grade. I knew you were gifted…and realize you are also the gift.
    Love you and miss you.
    Mrs. Davis

  9. Hannah Thompson says:

    I am always so uptight and you have inspired me to let everything go into God’s arms and to live life. To live life to the fullest, for Christ, and for others. Miss you Blake. See you at Home.

  10. Graham Dale says:

    To always try and smile and just try and love everyone and be a better friend. You also inspired me to include everyone. Your the man

  11. Ellis Toms says:

    To love Christ always and also be the best you can be. You also inspired me to be a better tennis player.

  12. Spencer Woody says:

    To not be so serious all the time, be a kid as long as you can. Live life to the fullest and take nothing.

  13. MacKenzi Simpson says:

    To never go a day without smiling. Be kind to everyone and try to make everyone around me feel special just like you did. Never take anything for granted, and cherish every moment you have because you never know when your time is up. Miss you and love you so much Blakey<3

  14. Lauren Hubbard says:

    to always put Christ first in my life. To realize that life is more than getting stuff done quickly and accomplishing things, but it is about the people who surround you each and every day. I miss you _____ (insert one of the one hundred nicknames I gave you here).

  15. Mary Jo Hamilton says:

    After watching the video about Blake and reading his Bio, I had to leave a comment. In only a few minutes’ time, Blake has deeply touched my life and I never knew him. I’m Mary Jo, a 57 yr old woman married to Steve and we are the parents of Jennifer, Audrey and Eric. I too, am a Christian and the Lord is LIFE to me, but now, after hearing Blake’s story, I realize just how “short” the time on this earth is, and we must tell others of the “faith” that lies within our hearts. Not just tell people about Christ, but we need to be “living” it…because if our lives don’t reflect that we have Christ in us, how are we ever going to reach the lost for Christ! Blake, thank you so much for the motivation you’ve brought to my life in just these few minutes….to live each day as if it were my last, with nothing else being as important as who I am in Christ and living my life for Him!

  16. Janet says:

    To go back to church and find myself.. and most importantly, to always let my loved ones know that I adore/love them with all my heart.

    Thank you, Blake! Stay golden.

  17. Jane Petty says:

    I have read one after the other of these stories and could have been reading of Jesus life as a child—always giving, never demanding and caring for all. What a wonderful way to go to your father–here I am Lord and I did what I could to be like you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  18. revmolly says:

    To cherish every moment that we have here on this earth with those that we love. When I get frustrated with my son leaving his wet laundry in the washer or his enormous shoes in the way, I remember that your mom and dad would give anything to put your wet laundry in the dryer or move your shoes out of the way. Every time that happens, I give thanks for having my son and I pray for your family. You were and always will be a beautiful child.

  19. Dave Wright says:

    Jeff, Patty, Robert, and Lauren,
    I just wanted to let you know that our family continues to lift you all up in prayer. I often see Blake’s loving impact on his friends; in Lena’s smile, Tim’s wit, and Brian’s faith as just a few examples. A small guy with a huge heart – for his family, for his friends, and for Jesus. May God continue to comfort, strengthen, and unify you all!

  20. Julia Wells says:

    to cherish every moment you have with loved ones & to live life to the fullest. just met your dad because he’s my boss but you shine through him and I know he misses you dearly.

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